R&D Strategy Committee

R&D Strategy Committee

Advisory body on the direction of research planning and collaborative research for GRIs


The Management Council is comprised of a chairperson, the board members, and heads of GRIs


Consisting of chairperson, directors, and heads of Government-funded Research Institute(GRI)s


  • Provide advice on research planning of affiliated research institutes
  • Provide advice on direction of cooperative research between affiliated research institutes
  • Provide advice on supporting and fostering affiliated research institutes
  • Provide guidance on other matters that the chairperson deems necessary

Appointment Method

Appointed by the chairperson


The R&D Strategy Committee comprised of approximately 10 distinguished experts from industries, academia, and research institutes, all of whom possess extensive knowledge and experience in the fields of science and technology.

  • The 1st Research and Development Strategy Committee Members List Total 10 members(Committee Head: 1, Committee members:9)
Structure - Category, Current Position, Name
Category Current Position Name
Committee Head Endowed Professor, Green School, Korea University Moon, Kil-Choo
Committee members Chief researcher, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology Koh, Young-Joo
Chairman, Korea Scientists & Engineers Mutual-aid Association(SEMA) Kim Sung-Soo
Professor, Materials Science and Enginnering, Seoul National University Nam, Ki-Tae
Yoo, Yong-Seob Chairman, Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction System
Park Seong-Jin Managing Director, 산학연협력담당, Posco Holdings N.EX.T Hub(포스코 미래기술연구원 산학연협력담당 전무)
Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Engineering Practice, Seoul National University Ahn, Hyun sil
Co-CEO, Angel6Plus Yoo, Jin-Nyoung
President, Korea Institute of Science & Technology Evaluation and Planning, (KISTEP) Jeong, Byung-Seon
Chief Director, Division of R&D Strategy Research Hong, Sung-Joo

Term of Office
